
Lawrenceville Chiropractor Alleviates Slipped Disc Pain Safely

By Lonnie Hahne

A condition called the slipped disc occurs when one of the discs separating the vertebrae is herniated. In a healthy condition, these discs serve the purpose of cushioning one vertebrae from impacting another when the individual moves. If a disc becomes herniated, it may press against a nerve root. There is help available in a Lawrenceville GA chiropractor office to alleviate that pain.

Each of these discs is shaped like a circle and has a fibrous shell containing a soft jelly-like interior. Spinal nerves that emerge from the spinal cord to activate the body may be compressed. In that case, a part of the disc bulges out between the vertebrae and causes the pain.

This condition affects twice as many men as women. The age of onset is ordinarily between thirty and fifty years old. The cause is not always clear. It may be due to an inherent weakness in the disc, lifting heavy objects at work or obesity.

Make an appointment with the chiropractor to discuss all possibilities. You will have your spine examined and a range of motion assessment done. You will discuss the pain in detail, how long you have had it, if it is constant and how severe it is. Only after an evaluation is done can a care plan be recommended.

The primary method used is spinal adjustments. A subluxation, which is a misalignment of the vertebrae, can be corrected to relieve the pressure against nerve roots. Your care will be customized to meet your specific needs.

A traditional spinal adjustment is done as the client lies on a specially made table. Sometimes the adjustments are done using less force. That is referred to as spinal mobilization.

It generally takes six to ten sessions to bring the pain to a manageable level. The hurt will be alleviated more with each office visit for the adjustments. Soon you will be able to plan going back to work and resuming activities you once enjoyed.