
Learn About Customized Wellness Programs With Functional Medicine Approaches

Learn About Customized Wellness Programs With Functional Medicine Approaches

By Kenya Saab

For some people, life can feel like a pharmaceutical roller coaster. They take a handful of medications to tackle a variety of symptoms of a main disease but never actually get rid of their issues. Philadelphia customized wellness programs are designed to help individuals get to the root of their problems using the functional medicine approach.

Functional medicine is an alternative approach to an individual's complete health care. They do not just prescribe a standard medication to generally attend a disease, they want to find the specific causes of it. By determining the root issues, it may be possible to eliminate the symptoms that are allowing the condition to manifest.

Hundreds of millions of people currently suffer with chronic diseases or conditions, and the numbers are growing everyday. There has to be some reason that this situation is on the upswing. That is what this branch of health care seeks to discover, one patient at a time.

A big factor in this medicinal approach is encouraging a person to be more proactive and responsible when it comes to health care. Lifestyle choices, environmental influences, genetic makeup, personal circumstances, and medical histories are all things that the doctor will take into consideration. Things that are negatively affecting their well-being should be changed.

Conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, mental illness, autoimmune disorders, arthritis, allergies, digestive issues and so much more, are being reported at an alarming rate. Most of these are instigated by underlying situations such as inflammation, structural misalignment, emotional problems, hormonal imbalances, and toxic exposure. Instead of using a textbook approach of matching the disease with a medication, the doctor seeks to eliminate the symptoms themselves.

One of the primary principles of this practice is the belief that the body wants to be healthy. The goal is to give it the tools it needs to achieve its optimal condition. This can involve using natural agents such as supplements, hormones, herbs and homeopathic approaches as well as nutritional and lifestyle changes, emotional counseling and pharmaceuticals, if need be.

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