If you're currently dealing with neck or back pain, sciatica or headaches, you might be thinking of adding acupuncture to your chiropractic therapy plan. Maybe you're curious to learn whether or not this technique is an effective one. According to many patients, it is. Read on to know more about how acupuncture can relieve pain.
How Acupuncture Therapy Works To Alleviate Pain
Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine. Practitioners perform this by placing small needles into special acu-points. According to the Chinese, the body is filled with chi, a powerful, life-giving force that can become blocked. As per these same beliefs, pain is the result of blocked energy. Strategically stimulating the 300 acu-points throughout the body may be able to alleviate a person's discomfort.
Utilizing acupuncture for pain can help clients by stimulating the appropriate acupoints, each impacting a specific body part or organ, by unblocking chi energy.
Acu-points on the meridians for the kidney and bladder are believed to affect the back. The meridians affecting back pain are opened. As an example, acunpuncture can be performed on Kidney7 to reduce back pain entirely. When your muscles happen to be very tight, however, acupuncture on the back should be performed as well. A single session will often promote relief, but you will still need a few more sessions for relieving all of your pain.
Is It Effective?
There are many people who attest to receiving impressive results when addressing chronic pain via acupuncture. As per the Washington Post, an analysis of 29 studies involving nearly 18,000 people who suffered from neck, shoulder, and back pain, chronic osteoarthritis and recurring headaches was performed. The results showed that people with these conditions felt notable relief after using acupuncture.
Get connected with an Ellenville, NY chiropractic doctor who can effectively leverage acupuncture therapies to reduce your chronic pain. When visiting, talk about any other strategies like spinal adjustment therapy that could prove helpful as well.
Moreover, be sure to pay attention to how you're holding your body, walk often, stretch frequently, and eat plenty of healthy food for keeping your entire body strong, balanced and able to heal on its own.
How Acupuncture Therapy Works To Alleviate Pain
Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine. Practitioners perform this by placing small needles into special acu-points. According to the Chinese, the body is filled with chi, a powerful, life-giving force that can become blocked. As per these same beliefs, pain is the result of blocked energy. Strategically stimulating the 300 acu-points throughout the body may be able to alleviate a person's discomfort.
Utilizing acupuncture for pain can help clients by stimulating the appropriate acupoints, each impacting a specific body part or organ, by unblocking chi energy.
Acu-points on the meridians for the kidney and bladder are believed to affect the back. The meridians affecting back pain are opened. As an example, acunpuncture can be performed on Kidney7 to reduce back pain entirely. When your muscles happen to be very tight, however, acupuncture on the back should be performed as well. A single session will often promote relief, but you will still need a few more sessions for relieving all of your pain.
Is It Effective?
There are many people who attest to receiving impressive results when addressing chronic pain via acupuncture. As per the Washington Post, an analysis of 29 studies involving nearly 18,000 people who suffered from neck, shoulder, and back pain, chronic osteoarthritis and recurring headaches was performed. The results showed that people with these conditions felt notable relief after using acupuncture.
Get connected with an Ellenville, NY chiropractic doctor who can effectively leverage acupuncture therapies to reduce your chronic pain. When visiting, talk about any other strategies like spinal adjustment therapy that could prove helpful as well.
Moreover, be sure to pay attention to how you're holding your body, walk often, stretch frequently, and eat plenty of healthy food for keeping your entire body strong, balanced and able to heal on its own.
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