
Benefits Associated With Colonoscopy Morrilton AR Residents Should Know Of

Benefits Associated With Colonoscopy Morrilton AR Residents Should Know Of

By Elizabeth Nelson

As the name suggests, colonoscopy is a procedure that is used in assessing the colon (or large intestine). The instrument used in the process is used as a colonoscope. Conditions that may be diagnosed in this manner include bleeding lesions (such as ulcers), polyps and cancerous growths. If they intend to undergo colonoscopy Morrilton AR clients need to have enough information on the procedure beforehand.

Colonoscopy has therapeutic benefits other than its huge diagnostic value. Some of the lesions can be treated once visualized on the monitor. Examples include removal of polyps and placement of hemostatic bands on bleeding ulcers. Another important application of this procedure is in the screening of cancerous and precancerous conditions. When suspicious growths are seen, biopsy specimens can be obtained and taken for histological examination.

Some form of preparation is required before one undergoes the investigation. One of the most important steps during the preparation stage is what is referred to as colon cleansing. Colon cleansing is typically done in a day or two. The act itself is fairly straightforward and involves the taking of laxatives to empty the gut. Newer, more effective laxatives that achieve the desired effect in a couple of hours are now available in the market.

The doctor will advise that you avoid solid foods during the preparation stage. The foods that should be eaten instead include tea, coffee, water, gelatin and clear juices. Colored juices are usually avoided because they are likely to interfere with the appearance of the mucosa hence may lead to misleading results. Note that the bowel movements will be significantly increased due to the liquid diet.

The next stage in preparation is to determine the drug history. This is important because a number of drugs are known to increase the risk of bleeding. Examples include blood thinners such as heparin and warfarin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin. These drugs need to be stopped about two weeks in advance before the procedure is performed. Smoking should also be stopped momentarily for the same reasons.

The test can be safely performed in a private office or clinic. While general or regional anesthesia are usually not required, light sedation may be induced to minimize pain and discomfort. The entry of the scope into the rectum causes increased bowel movement which is quite uncomfortable. Taking in a deep breath through the mouth will help relax abdominal muscles and reduce this feeling.

The procedure should take 45 minutes to one hour in the absence of complications. The sedation that is used reduces the level of consciousness and a few hours are usually needed for the effects to wear of. Most hospitals will discharge you on the same day but a few may retain you for about 24 hours. Due to the dehydration resulting from the preparation stage, patients are advised to drink lots of water and other fluids.

Colonoscopy is largely a safe procedure. Bleeding is the most serious complication especially when cancerous lesions and ulcers are present but a rare complication when the gut is normal. Other possible complications include vomiting, dizziness, nausea and fever. Many of them will resolve spontaneously in a few hours.

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