
How To Find The Best Tmj Dentist Atlanta

How To Find The Best Tmj Dentist Atlanta

By Eric Foster

You have probably heard of temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders and wondered what that means. Well, generally, these are disorders that affect the jaw joint and chewing muscles. Patients who suffer from these conditions experience a variety of symptoms including dislocated jaw, displaced disc, injury to the condyle, myofascial pain, and even arthritis. However, the good news is that treatment is available. Below are some simple tips to help you find the best tmj dentist Atlanta has.

Getting good medical services starts by identifying your needs as a patient. There are reasons why patients prefer certain doctors than others yet they all offer the same services. Identify a practitioner with the right qualities when making your selection. If possible, you should even meet the doctor before the treatment begins.

Choose a professional with outstanding educational credentials. The dentist should have undertaken an undergraduate degree for a start. This should have been followed by a postgraduate dental degree. One is also required to undertake medical residency in a clinical setting to enable them acquire the skills and knowledge of working in a real hospital. This also helps the individual gain experience of working unsupervised.

Choose a board-certified professional. Certification is done by the American Dental Association. There is no special body that licenses tmj specialists. However, American Board of Orofacial Pain also offers certification. For one to be licensed, he or she must have the minimum educational requirements for dental practice in addition to at least 400 hours of continued education on orofacial pain. The individual must also have at least two years of experience in this specialty.

Interview the doctors. Select at least three specialists whom meet your criteria and meet with them. Treatment is not a one-time thing, so you need someone you can get along with. Choose someone with a likable personality; someone who can empathize with you and understand your situation. Some doctors are very skilled, but they detach themselves from their patients, creating an emotional disconnect that may affect treatment.

According to psychologists, treatment gets better when there is a good relationship between the patient and his or her doctor. A doctor who shows empathy helps the patient relax, which helps in the healing process.

You should also find out how knowledgeable the doctor is about the condition. Ask questions regarding the causes, treatment options, and even the latest medical and treatment technologies. This will help create trust with the professional.

Check references. A good dentist should have a number of references you can contact and find out more information from. You can also check the website of the clinic is they have one.

Lastly, discuss the charges. Know whether they will accept your insurance payment option or you will pay from your pocket. This will help you plan your finances.

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