
What You Should Know Before Visiting Suboxone Doctors Georgia

What You Should Know Before Visiting Suboxone Doctors Georgia

By Pamela Anderson

Suboxone was at some point thought to be the only option for treating opiate addiction but is now an endemic. This drug is a combination of an opiate blocker called naloxone and a semi-synthetic opioid called buprenorphine. It has become overly prescribed by medical practitioners to the greater part of the population. Below are some facts that you should know according to Suboxone doctors Georgia.

In the United States, this drug has been in use ever since 2003. It was mainly used to help those people who are addicted to opiate and also to help them during the intense withdrawal periods. For some doctor, it has come to be known to them that this medication can be used as a maintenance drug. Therefore, they keep their patients under this maintenance medication for even over ten years.

This medication was used mainly to prevent the addition of high narcotic such as heroin and oxycontin. This medication is also addictive, and when the addicted patient went to the hospital looking for some substance to keep them away from the addiction, they end up getting addicted to other substances although it is not what they were running away from. This fact shows that the suboxone drug will always remain in the maintenance program which is all about the trade of illegal medicinal products for the legal ones.

Suboxone will majorly help in keeping at bay the withdrawal signs of the opiate in the drugs, but will not entirely treat or disable the addiction. If a person is removed from the maintenance program, the chances are high that they will go back to using the drug and will relapse back to substance abuse.

Any knowledgeable and competent doctor will take time and explain to their patient that they need not just a physical treatment but also a psychological and emotional one. A professional doctor should also be able to let the patient know the long-term effects of using the drug. The problem arises when there are not so many physicians who are willing to give this truthful information to their patients.

When the patient is given the medication, they are told that it will be of help to them. Many of them will believe the doctors and will not know that their another side effect which they may suffer from using the drug. These are the side effects which are disturbing and no one will tell you about them.

Long-term use of this drug will lead to many withdrawal symptoms like night sweats, anxiety, nausea, libido loss, fatigue, depression, restlessness, lack of motivation, muscle, and joint pains as well as insomnia. The withdrawal symptoms of the opiate in drugs will go for just a week, but that of Suboxone can exceed up to several weeks and months. Which can turn out to be unbearable.

This type of medication is used by the doctors to try and reduce the harm of opiate addiction. The chances in which the patient will recover from this addiction are nil. The patient can also suffer from relapse, and the likelihood of death and overdose are very high. This is why you should get a good medical practitioner to rake care of your patient.

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